Linen Spray

Linen spray is a great way to enjoy the wonderful fragrance of lavender. Use to freshen your sheets and pillows for a relaxing and restful nights sleep. Cobalt blue bottle with atomizer. 4oz bottle
Product Reviews
(Nov 9, 2018 at 2:22 PM)
I bought this linen spray at a recent trip to the winery. I loved it so much I am buying it for everyone for Christmas! Thanks
Debby H
(May 8, 2020 at 10:02 AM)
Provides a really restful sleep and smells so good. Bought extra for gifts!
Deborah Kenney
(Jun 5, 2020 at 9:15 AM)
I’ve used this product myself for many years & it is my easy go to for giftIng. Love it y’all!
Gabrielle Guevara
(Sep 24, 2020 at 9:02 AM)
Smells amazing!
(Apr 13, 2021 at 8:35 AM)
I love this spray. It is not overwhelming. I only wish it came in a bigger size!
I only wish I had purchased a whole bottle and not a “tester” with only 1/3 of a bottle of spray. ☹️ I didn’t notice my bottle was almost empty until I got home. I would gladly purchase 2 more full bottles if Becker would send a third for free. 🙂